The Musafir is a platform for the message of peace, freedom and unity.
She is a 70 foot traditional engineless dhow, built in Kipini (Kenya) with archaic techniques using locally sourced material with the support of dozens of volunteers and craftsmen. The construction started in 2011 with the building of the boatyard, which also worked as our house and after 3 years gave birth to the Musafir.
The day of the launch we celebrated by providing food for all the town community, 800 people, local band and cultural blessing.
Few months later we managed to rise manually the mast, and with no electricity nor fix deck we left for the maiden voyage.
The boat is in continuous upgrade, receiving care and yearly maintenance.
Musafir was, and still is, the largest engine-less Dhow sailing the Indian Ocean.
We are powered by the wind. Not having an engine is a choice that we took to be conscious of our surroundings, moving in harmony with nature and her rhythm. We put aside the well established human mind set of imposing our desires over nature. We need to stay more connected to be able to appreciate and take care of the planet we all share. We deliver our message to the world without the use of fossil fuels, and minimise our impact on the environment through conscious choices of life.

Built: 2014
Rig: double mast – lateen rigging
Length Overall: 24 meters
Length on Deck: 21 meters
Draught: 2 meters
Cargo Capacity: 60 tons
Maximum Number of Sails: 3 sails
Professional Crew: 7 people
Trainees: 28

Paolo Rodo
The very founder of the Musafir. He is an adventurous traveler that took him around the globe, cycling, hitchhiking, and walking. During a march from South Africa to Kenya, together with a Masai activist, Paolo had the vision of the Musafir as a vessel to spread the values of Peace, Freedom and Unity.
Born in a port town in Italy, Paolo most impressive memory is when, together with a Maasai activist walk for 5000km from South Africa to Zimbabwe, spreading the message of Peace, Freedom and Unity. Over ten years of constant adventure Paolo has traveled extensively throughout Central, East and Southern Asia, Central and North America, Europe and Africa. Focusing mainly on human interaction and respect Paolo has developed an amazing skill to be at ease in every circumstance and to make feel comfortable any living being on the planet. In the last ten years has been busy developing the Musafir project, constructing the boat while hosting and guiding hundreds of people in the different initiatives that the Musafir ventures in.
While not on board the Musafir Paolo is continuously spreading the value of Peace, Freedom and Unity in gatherings and festivals, showing the diversity and kindness of humankind.
Marco Zanotti

An unconventional, unpredictable musician, tirelessly curious about tradition and prone to experimentation. Marco is a composer, performer and producer. He travels the world following the Music, after earing only a few notes he can understand and tell the trade and history of the community. He joins some of the Musafir Odyssey guiding the cultural exploration of the local musicians, engaging and performing in a language that brings all of us together, Music.
Alicia Sully

Alicia was born in the USA, she studied and started filming at 16, co-founder of the collective “What Took You So Long?” She extensively films worldwide, creating awareness on social issues and climate change. She is an amazing teacher that leads our first production of documentaries. To mention one of her quotes:
“Our belief is that better relationships on the ground make for better stories and better video results.”
Omar Mohamed Salim

Omi was born in the archipelago of Lamu, since a child has been adventuring in the ocean, he has traveled on every journey on board the Musafir, providing is knowledge and company. Omar has become an impossible to miss member of any Odyssey. Continuously living onboard he takes care, with his amazing personality, of any person that steps onboard.
Ibrahim Khan

Ibi was born in Kenya, then he moved to Scotland where he graduated as renewable energy engineer. Our man to call for any issue or help needed on board. Tireless he will steer the Musafir trough the night, fix any electrical and mechanical issue while keeping the vibe high.
Romain Mari

Romain was born in France, studied marine biology in Australia, he is our best promoter and fisherman on board, currently be the CEO of the biggest music festival in Kenya and Distant Relatives Eco Lodge and Backpackers. Romain is constantly supporting the marketing and making sure that our Odyssey are as enviromentaly friendly as possible
Esther Kim

Esther and Paolo met by “chance” in a Kenyan hostel in Kilifi where the Musafir was anchored and quickly jumped on board. Ever since, she’s found a place she can call home in between her 9-5, where she works on building climate change resilience for smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. Esther has continued to support Musafir programming on and off board as a key focal person, conducting admin-related roles in preparation for sailing odysseys and coordinating community engagement and partner relations.